Thursday, September 3, 2009


    Reading has always been one of my passions, as I am sure it always will be. Throughout my years of reading I have dicovered beauty in the written word. Not just the beauty in the flow of the words or of the ideas but of the way those words and ideas make me feel. This beauty has lead me to my desire to become a writer.
    What is a writer? A writer is someone who takes words and molds them into a peice of artwork that can express feeling in a way that others can understand. With college ruled paper thier as canvas and ink as thier paint, a writer can illistrate an intricate masterpiece using only black and white. That is something I admire, as well as something that I aim to emulate
    My writing previous to this has been limited to English assignments and my journal. So I have addressed a fairly narrow adience in the past; my teachers and myself. So, I have much to learn. And maybe, just maybe, if i work hard in this class I will start learning how to write like an artist. To write beautiful things, like the things that I love to read.


  1. Quality post. I totally agree with your idea that writers are artists. I really like the flow of your writing and the vocabulary you include. I enjoyed it.
    LeRoy Ruggles

  2. Being able to write is a wonderful talent. I hope one day to write as well as some writers can. Saying that how a Writer is like an Artist is an amazing way to describe them. Being able to make something that came move people is a great gift. I also have only had the pleasure of entertaining myself and those close to me. I dream of becoming a great writer and creating something beautiful.

  3. Good post, Ella. It's funny, because most people your age have a very limited audience. Like you said, your teachers and yourself. Hmmm....who else could we include in your audience this year? Well, if you get published, then your audience grows, of course. But for the time being, let's include your peers in the class (thanks to this blog).
